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April Life Update

April Life Update

Winter has come and gone, and we’ve got some exciting things going on here in the Good household!!



Okay, phew. I’ve been DYING to scream that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s true, we’re pregnant, and we couldn’t be more freaking excited about it! And scared, and happy, and just all the feelings honestly. It’s been a really crazy month or so since we found out, and it’s been so hard for me to be careful about not spilling the beans online before we were ready to share!

our niece Dorothy helping us share the Good news! (see what I did there??)

our niece Dorothy helping us share the Good news! (see what I did there??)

Joel and I had decided last year that 2019 would be the year we wanted to have a baby. We had kinda-sorta been trying for a little while, and I had been tracking my cycles and learning more about ovulation since fall last year. (If you are a woman, I highly recommend the book “Taking Charge of Your Fertility.” I’ve been (so slowly)) making my way through this book and have learned so much) The day we found out, I was POSITIVE I wasn’t pregnant. I had taken 2 tests the week before, both had been negative. But when I woke up that day I consulted my calendar only to realize that the week before I had read it wrong (the new year messed my calendar up apparently) and I was only now like a day late, not over a week late as I had previously thought. So I had taken the other tests way too early to tell anything. Doing some mental calculating, I still thought there was no way I could be pregnant but thought, eh, I have a test in the cabinet, I’ll take it just to rule it out.

The test turned positive RIGHT when I took it. And I’m standing in the bathroom just looking at it. Completely shocked. I won’t tell you exactly the words that came out of my mouth over and over again, but they were words of complete and utter disbelief. I had been SO sure!! Joel had literally JUST left and was headed down our driveway to work, so I quick called him and asked him to come back to the house. He didn’t think much of it and turned around. When he walked in and saw me standing wide eyed, mouth open, he grabbed a paper towel thinking I had found a big spider that I needed him to kill!! HAHA!!! I just silently pointed into the bathroom so he walked in and I followed. He looked around for a second before seeing the test on the sink and realizing what my face was really about. There was lots of laughing and crying (crying from me) and hugs and kisses and “I love you”’s and I don’t know, it’s a little bit of a blur honestly haha!! I took one more test that morning (just to be sure) and then another when Joel got home from work (to be REALLY REALLY sure) and those three pee sticks stuck around on our sink for like a week or so (I liked looking at them! Is that weird? *shrugs* oh well)

Our official due date is October 9, 2019. We have seen Baby Good three times now, and honestly we were shook by how different the first and second ultrasounds were!! Baby Good went from a literal peanut to an ACTUAL BABY in there! We recently saw the nose, heart, brain, feet/legs/toes, hands/arms/fingers, complete with thumb sucking and wiggling around! I was completely in awe during that second ultrasound. I honestly think that I’ve been in a state of shock still this whole time, but as we end our 1st Trimester I’m definitely feeling a lot more like myself and like this is really happening. Although it definitely still seems weird every time I think about the fact that I’m growing a human.

Some questions I KNOW we’ll get, so I’ll just answer them below:

Will we be finding out the gender? YES YES YES ASAP! The anticipation is absolutely killing me. I will say that we may or may not have a good idea on what it could be, but won’t be sharing that for a while yet. We honestly don’t have a preference either way, just praying for a healthy and happy little babe.

Will we continue to travel during the pregnancy/with the new baby? The plan as of now is yes. Obviously things happen, so our main plan is to just go with the flow. As we’ve been doing for over 4 years now. If you actively follow online, you may remember that in late January we left the camper temporarily (or so was the plan at the time haha!) for a tiny lake cottage. The plan as of now is to continue splitting our time between Texas and Ohio as usual, and we will most likely not be staying in the RV for any extended periods of time until after the baby comes. Take all this with a grain of salt, because literally our plan could change at any time, as usual haha!

Do we have names picked out? We do! Sorta. For the most part. But we will not be sharing those publicly until we officially decide on a full name. (So if you know, please don’t say!)

How did Jake & Mushu take the news? Okay, maybe you all aren’t wondering this, but I’ll tell you anyways. I SERIOUSLY think Jake knew all along. After our 3 positive tests, I started noticing that Jake had been/was/is obsessed with me more than usual, stalking me around the house a lot more than normal, and he definitely is more protective of me. On multiple occasions when cuddling, I’ve even noticed him laying his head on my belly! (cue dog-mom tears. or maybe just pregnant-hormonal tears?) I’m calling it right now: Joel and I will be chopped liver when Baby Good comes. Jake is going to take one sniff of Baby Good and it’ll be love at first dog-kiss. Mushu on the other hand… couldn’t care less. He’s his usual sassy, bossy self, and I foresee him loving our baby from a distance at first. He will be jealous for sure, but he has always tolerated kids and babies through the years (much to his dislike he is the center of attention for children of all ages, because of his size and cuteness) and hasn’t yet had any issues other than going to hide when he’s over the attention. But, I just know that both Jake & Mushu will love our baby and welcome Baby Good into our pack come October.

Things we’re loving currently in our first trimester:

  1. What to Expect When Expecting

  2. We’re Pregnant! The 1st Time Dad’s Pregnancy Handbook

  3. my Yeti 30oz cup (for drinking ALL the water) with the straw/lid option

  4. this pregnancy journal by Letterfolk

  5. my favorite body butter from Love Your Bath & Body (Lavender is my scent of choice!)

  6. The Bump app

Baby Good Update: Half Way There!

Baby Good Update: Half Way There!

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